The sleeve gastrectomy process realized in Turkey starts with a consultation between the patient and the physician. The patient must then make an appointment for the examination. During the examination, the doctor specializing in surgery for obesity listen to the medical history of the patient. The patient may undergo a sleeve gastrectomy if the physician approves it after having carried out the tests required during the preoperative examination.
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Sleeve gastrectomy performed in Turkey is an intervention of bariatric surgery that can be performed on patients whose body mass index is 35 or greater, after an assessment based on eligibility criteria for obesity. Gastrectomy in sleeve takes its name from the postoperative tubular anatomical shape of the stomach.
Among the bariatric surgery procedures performed in Turkey and organized by Medespoir, sleeve gastrectomy is the procedure preferred by surgeons, performed by methods closed, i.e. laparoscopic, with a complication rate of lower in patients.
In terms of denomination, it is the gastric sleeve or Longitudinal gastrectomy, also called sleeve gastrectomy. It is also known as "reduction surgery the stomach", because it involves the removal of a large part of the the stomach.
How is a sleeve gastrectomy performed in Turkey?
How does sleeve gastrectomy help with weight loss?
In this procedure, also known as the name of the surgery of reduction of the stomach, the weight loss is obtained by two mechanisms. The first mechanism is based on a mechanical process, in which the volume of the stomach is reduced, then the remaining part (about 150 ml) can be used to contain a small amount of food. The amount of food ingested and, by therefore, the caloric intake is reduced with the reduced size of the stomach. The The second significant mechanism for loss of weight is based on the weakening of the feeling of hunger resulting from the elimination gastric tissue that produces ghrelin which is the hunger hormone.
What is the outcome after a sleeve in Turkey?
The bariatric surgery procedure that is the sleeve practiced in Turkey is commonly known as a surgery of obesity that shows its effect in little time. If you strictly follow the recommendations of your doctor, you can can reach your ideal weight in 8 to 10 months. If we consider the world average, it can be seen that approximately 70% of the loss of total weight to be achieved is realized in six months, and 80% in 12 months.
What are the benefits of stomach reduction surgery?
In terms of bariatric operations, the sleeve gastrectomy in Turkey presents two MAIN BENEFITS:
- This procedure consists in reducing the volume of the stomach and causes by therefore a feeling of satiety more quickly.
- The procedure results in a reduction of of the sensation of hunger in the elderly. the people operated on, as it involves the removal of a large part of the the stomach, which leads to a decrease in the the secretion of ghrelin (a substance which causes the sensation of hunger).
What are the benefits of sleeve versus gastric bypass?
Sleeve gastrectomy is easier to but if we evaluate it in terms of the duration of the operation, it is longer.
The postoperative rest period at the hospital, i.e. time spent in the hospital after the operation, is more short.
The rate of complications is lower in sleeve gastrectomy.
In terms of practicality, it is a procedure more appropriate than gastric bypass surgery, for the human body, human anatomy and human physiology.