The facets are thin lamellae which cover the front of the teeth. They are an aesthetic treatment that serves to to hide the color defects of the teeth or the imperfections of these. There are two types of facets: the facets in composite and ceramic veneers or veneers made of porcelain.
Within the Aram Clinic, an establishment partner of Medespoir, the most important facets most requested are those made of ceramic as luminous veneers, veneers and those allowing to obtain the Hollywood Smile. However, depending on the patient's case, the dental surgeon can be brought to him propose other alternatives that would best fit.
Composite dental veneers
Composite veneers are manufactured with a synthetic resin that adheres to the and is molded and worked on the tooth itself. It is indicated when there is a small anomaly in the teeth. It is an economical solution when the area to be restored is small or not very large, and fast, in a single session the veneers can be placed. Each tooth must be treated separately and it is sometimes necessary to retouch the tooth of origin.
Ceramic dental veneers
Ceramic veneers are stronger and more resistant. This type of restoration is indicated for people who have more serious conditions, such as dental fractures, a large area to restore or a separation between the teeth. The procedure requires two visits to the dentist: the first one for make a mold of the teeth and the following to place them with a resin cement. Several pieces are placed together. This is an expensive option although the color is more natural.