Breast augmentation surgery can be recommended to all women of all ages ages, as there is no specific age required.
This is a recommended operation not only to increase the volume of a small breasts, but also to raise them when the need arises, by for example following a pregnancy or after rapid and significant weight loss.
The insertion of implants can also be used to eliminate malformations, differences in volume and shape and for breast reconstruction after a surgical removal.
These are the typical situations in
for which it is advisable to use
breast augmentation surgery.
As with all
plastic surgery, the right moment is the one
where the desire to undergo the intervention
outweighs the fear of it!
In some specific cases, even underage girls can be treated to recover, for example, an asymmetry macroscopic between the two breasts! On the other hand On the other hand, with the implants, it is also possible to breastfeed and therefore there is no contraindication in front of the possibility of becoming a mother.